
Friday, May 9, 2014

Hammer Robbery

This is one of the reasons that I just can't imagine how New Yorkers tolerate this absurd situation where you have to be rich, or mobbed up, to get a concealed handgun permit.  From May 8, 2014 CBS New York City:
NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) – Straphangers are on alert after police said a suspect attacked a man with a hammer at a Brooklyn subway station.
And as CBS 2’s John Slattery reported exclusively, police believe the attacker has done it at least twice before – on one occasion at the very same subway station. A pregnant woman was among the other victims.
You don't need a gun to do a lot of damage -- just a completely brutal nature and a hammer.


  1. Do you really want someone in a subway to carry a gun? One shot, a stampede, and no telling how many will be killed or injured.

  2. Where was the stampede after Bernie Goetz shot his attackers?

  3. I've noticed anti-gun people tend to cite their imaginations as though they were facts.
