
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

"A Moose Bit My Sister Once"

You may recall this line from the subtitles at the start of Monty Python and the Holy Grail.  But seriously, moose cause far more serious injuries than grizzly bears, as this May 20, 2014 USA Today story reports.  I guess the difference is that getting stomped by a moose, while it produces enormous pain and injury, does not provoke the primal fear of being eaten.  Moose don't eat people; grizzlies sometimes do.

Bear spray works on moose, as well as bison; I'll be carrying a .44 Magnum when I visit Yellowstone this weekend as backup.


  1. Can you carry in a national park? (I thought it was only national forests).

  2. National parks now follow the laws of the surrounding state. If you are in the Wyoming part of Yellowstone, you don't need a license to carry concealed. (Wyoming repealed its requirement for licenses a couple of years back.) If you are in the Idaho section, you need a license to carry concealed on roads, in towns, and mining camps. If you are in the Montana section, you need a license as well (although since Montana recognizes my Idaho license, I can't immediately tell you the rules on that).

  3. A .44 is a hefty piece of insurance. I've got a 629 with a 5.5 inch barrel, and fully loaded it would seriously weigh me down after a couple miles of hills (plus it would be hard to be discreet with it).

    I'm over in CO these days, an am looking at a .357 (loading with hotter solids when walking in the wild) or a 10mm Glock, depending on which my wife can shoot better.

    I'm looking at the Safepacker and/or the Hill People Gear kit bag for carrying it in a way that is accessible and discreet.

  4. My wife is recovering from a sprained ankle, so we aren't going to be wandering far from the road.

    I have been intrigued by the idea of a 10mm semiauto, partly because I prefer semiautos, but I was under the impression that 10mm handguns were becoming rather rare.
