
Thursday, April 10, 2014

Why Would Anyone Live in D.C.?

I mentioned a few days back a guy who was convicted of "attempted possession of unlawful ammunition" because he some bullets (not cartridges, just the copper and lead part) for a muzzleloading rifle.  In D.C., possession of ammunition is unlawful without a gun owner's license -- so he keeps his guns in Virginia.  But he had several bullets for an antique firearm (which requires no license), and a shotgun shell that failed to fire at some point, so probably not even operable.  And yet D.C. decided to prosecute this case, largely because his ex-wife claimed (falsely) that there were guns in his D.C. home.  There weren't, so they had to pursue an absurd case.

It gets worse.  From the April 9, 2014 Washington Times:
The day after the trial, an agent from the D.C. Office of Tax and Revenue showed up at Mr. Witaschek’s office.
His employer was given a summons to produce payroll and a multitude of other records for investigators by April 11. No allegations have yet been made in this fishing expedition.
Mr. Witaschek said he filed D.C. taxes and paid up to the due dates required, until he moved to Virginia last year.
I asked Mr. Witaschek why he thought this tax investigation suddenly arose.
“I think the police wanted to confiscate my guns from the beginning. They are really angry that I didn’t comply,” the businessman explained. “They will use whatever government resources they choose to get what they wanted — or make me pay. They already used the U.S. attorney, a grand jury, the D.C. attorney general, and now the Office of Tax and Revenue.”

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I keep wondering when the criminal enterprise that is D.C. is going to be shut down.  Not anytime soon.

These are the kind of cases that make me suspect that there is no hope for this country.  Republicans are so scared of being called racists for pointing out that this abuse of the criminal justice system is taking place that they don't dare say a word.

1 comment:

  1. "Republicans are so scared of being called racists for pointing out that this abuse of the criminal justice system is taking place that they don't dare say a word."

    Hey, I have an idea: Many of the mechanisms being used for oppression long predate Obama. Both Bushes likely used them for something or another.

    "Now, Mr. Obama, we know that you're just doing what those Republican Bushes did, they set the precedents, but really, these departments like the ATF, BLM, and IRS have got to go. Nothing against you, understand... I mean, using the IRS to attack your political enemies goes back at least as far as Nixon. You don't want to go down in history as a Nixon, do you?"
