
Friday, April 18, 2014

Terrifying Headline; Less Terrifying Body

Oklahoma gun range to offer bullets and booze
Swanson says his facility’s staff will be careful not to allow drinkers onto the venue’s gun range. As CNN reports, “As soon as you walk into his range, staff will scan an ID card, to make sure you're not drinking and shooting. If you decide to head over to the range cafe after shooting and order a drink, the ID is then scanned again and red-flagged so you're then locked out of all the ranges for the rest of that day, both as a shooter and a spectator.”


  1. Well, bullets or booze wouldn't be much of a story.

    As it turns out this is pretty much what I expected this would turn out be when I heard about it.

  2. No drinking and firing our guns? Another proud redneck tradition bites the dust.
