
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

That Idiot Sarah Palin

To quote from an article about fracking in the March 11, 2014 Independent (a left of center British newspaper) discussing how the U.S. passing Saudi Arabia as an oil producer is going to change things in international relations:
It’s a whole different world to 2008, when US oil production was at a historical low and Sarah Palin was drawing liberal ire declaring that “Drill, Baby Drill!” was the answer to all of America’s problems. Suddenly she seems to have been right.


  1. Sarah Palin is turning out to be the Oracle at Delphi.

  2. Hmmm, what was that other "Stupid" statement she made about Russia invading the Ukraine being one of four possible future threats...?

  3. She was right about a lot of things that are flushed down the memory hole, while she's still being "quoted" as saying she could see Russia from her house.

  4. She was right about a lot of things that are mostly ignored, yet she's still remembered as saying she could see Russia from her house.

  5. Unknown: More like Cassandra, since her "betters" running things never listen to her.

  6. More importantly, it was NOT Sarah Palin who said that, it was Tina Fey who was ridiculing her on Saturday Night live who said "I can see Russia from my house."

    Which means that the leftist attack is working.
