
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Woody Allen's Daughter Talks Of His Sexual Abuse of Her

I don't remember the last Woody Allen film I saw.  It was a long time ago.  For those who still think of him as a genius, this harrowing account by his daughter should wonder why he is accepted in polite society.  Oh, he isn't.  He is accepted in Hollyweird.


  1. I read the article. This nonsense where Hollywood has different standards than everyone else has to end. At this point if there was social upheaval and Hollywood got burned to the ground I would not shed a tear.

  2. Allen is a genius. So is Roman Polanski. One lesson I've learned is that someone's incredible talent has nothing to do with their moral character.

  3. I wasn't surprised by the allegations, given what happened with Soon-yi Previn and Woody Allen, but this may be stuff made up in the heat of a custody battle by a disturbed woman of demonstrably poor morals. Read this:

    Woody Allen is still a dirty old man, and leaving your wife for her daughter by a previous marriage is unusual, but I'm no longer convinced that the molestation charges hold water.

  4. "...leaving your wife for her daughter by a previous marriage is unusual..."

    Yes, it is unusual, but it is also seriously bizarre. I like Woody Allen's movies, but he is plainly a serious weirdo, and no one should make excuses for his aberrant behavior.

  5. Perhaps he is still accepted because his friends doubt the daughter's account. Unlike Polanski, Allen was never charged much less convicted of anything in this case. How much evidence would you need to drop a friend? I don't think it is an easy question to answer.
