
Monday, February 10, 2014

Very Valuable Class I Took Sunday

My friend T. Allen Hoover teaches the NRA Personal Protection Handgun class that is one of the ways to qualify for the new Idaho Enhanced Concealed Carry Permit.  I took the class Sunday.  It was thirteen hours -- a very long day.  Technical parts of the class were not new to me, but for many people who have only limited gun knowledge, they will be very valuable.  (And even if you have a fair knowledge -- going back over this stuff cannot ever hurt, can it?)

The legal aspects of the course were a good refresher for me, but as you might expect, there was not much that I learned in this section.  For many people, it will be both valuable and something of an eye-opener about the legal restrictions involved in use of deadly force.

For me, the strong point was the instruction on the range.  Terry is a very effective instructor, both very knowledgeable about practical shooting and also very effective at transferring that knowledge to students.  Strongly recommended.  (You might want to wait to take the course until you aren't at risk of disappearing in the mud at the range.)


  1. The linked earmuffs look to be passive, not electronic. Perhaps you were using these:

    I think this is the set that I bought from Midway a while back on sale for about $15, and I've seen them for that price since. I can't say for sure, because I loaned them out and they didn't come back. :)

    They weren't bad. I will probably replace them, but I'm trying to decide whether to go cheap or get something more expensive. I don't know what you get for the higher price.

  2. Seems to me taking a refresher course every so often is a good idea regardless of experience and skill level, etc.. Staying current as the saying goes.

    Glad to hear the range was doable. Fri night I was thinking that is going to be rough going as the snow was coming down in Boise..
