
Saturday, February 8, 2014

Okay, You Will Have To Be Somewhat Educated To Enjoy the Comments...

Instapundit linked to a news story in the January 30, 2014 Evanston Now that indicated neighbors were concerned about new development near a university for fear that it would attract "transient academics."  Here's a sample of the comments:
For the sake of innocent children we had better keep out the wrong kind of academics. They are too politically correct to be explicit, but I am sure they are referring to statisticians who are frequentists. Northwestern has had a strong tradition of Bayesians. The harmony in the community would be horribly disrupted if it became easy for a bunch of frequentists to crash downtown. They would probably write graffiti of confidence intervals around known facts! next thing you know there will be enough of them that they will lobby to get a tilted kilt franchise openned!

Say NO! to frequentists.

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