
Monday, December 30, 2013

Those Protective Orders Really Work

A nurse embroiled in a custody fight with his ex-wife attacked his former in-laws, his onetime boss at a hospital that fired him, and his current wife in a rampage that spanned two parishes in Louisiana, leaving three dead before killing himself, authorities said....

Ben Freeman, 38, first attacked his former in-laws with a shotgun in Lafourche Parish about 45 miles southwest of New Orleans, wounding parish Councilman Louis Phillip Gouaux and Gouaux's daughter Andrea. Both were in critical condition after surgery early Friday in New Orleans, Matherne wrote. Gouaux's wife, Susan, was dead when deputies arrived, Matherne said earlier....
Shotgun: the gun control crowd is going to have to look for some other drum to bang.
Jeanne Gouaux — also a nurse — had filed several protective orders against Freeman, who had pleaded guilty to harassment charges and was allowed only supervised visits with their four children, said Lafourche Parish Sheriff Craig Webre. The last protective order expired less than a month ago, he said.
Those protective orders work so well.


  1. I agree with you about protective orders, but this case is not a good one to beat that drum with: THERE WAS NO PROTECTIVE ORDER IN PLACE.

    One could easily argue that protective orders work. As long as one was in place nothing bad happened.

  2. But I rather doubt the protective order made any difference.
