
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Who Buys Something Like This... and Only Drives It 693 Miles?


2012 Ferrari 458 Spider Base - $354,995
And yes, if you go look at the picture, you may not stop panting.  But who buys a car that costs as much as a modest house in some parts of California, and then drives it 693 miles in a year?  What's the point of a car like this if not to drive it?  I'm a bit annoyed that someone would spend this absurd amount of money on a car, but then to not drive it?


  1. The sad thing is I bet most of the people who buy cars like that only drive them 500-1000 miles per year.

  2. It's not like they have jobs to commute to, I suspect.

  3. Well, it's not the mileage, you see. The ashtrays got dirty.

  4. When the owner tapped the paddle, hit the throttle hard for the first time, looked down at the speedometer, got frightened and decided that the car was not for them.
    That might have been the reason to sell.

  5. Or he has 10 others of the same sort of car and that one just didn't push his buttons that much.

  6. I think Jon Spencer has the idea, it's sort of like the person who buys one of those S&W Scandium-framed .44 Mag revolvers. Fires it 5 times and trades it in. I've seen it happen.

  7. For some in that category, it's like collecting art. They buy the car, mostly enjoy looking at it as art, then sell when they find something else they like better or just get bored with it. I have a somewhat modified '66 mustang convertible that is absolutely beautiful. Sometimes I wish I had room to park it in the corner of the living room as a piece of art. I love to drive it, but only manage to put about 500 miles a year on it. I don't want to risk any damage by going places it might get dinged.
