
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Perhaps Not A Coincidence, Both Being From Princeton

For what it's worth, coming from Newsmax, this October 29, 2013 report hints that perhaps the VP of CGI Federal (the company that built the website) having attended Princeton with Michelle Obama is not just a coincidence:

Townes-Whitley joined CGI in May 2010, less than two months after President Barack Obama signed the Affordable Care Act. She serves as the lead of the company's Civilian Agency Programs Business Unit for the Federal Group, according to a bio published on the CGI website. The unit serves 22 federal civilian agencies in the United States and 34 other countries. 
Hmmm.  What do you think the chances are that someone approached CGI (or vice versa) and said, "By wild coincidence, you attended Princeton at the same time as the First Lady.  If we hire you at a very high salary, do you think your expertise might get us a no-bid contract for really big bucks?"

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