
Thursday, August 22, 2013

One Unfortunate Consequence of This

I suspect that even if I could afford to retire (which is looking increasingly likely, as interest rates rise), this surgery probably will make me a high-risk person as far as a health insurance company is concerned.  I may be stuck working at something that doesn't interest me much until I qualify for Medicare.


  1. Clayton,
    I was stuck in the situation until I reached Medicare age.

    One thing that Obamacare *might* do for you is get you out of that problem.

    Of course, since that was it's prime selling point, and it's a gigando government mess, it probably won't.

  2. "I may be stuck working at something that doesn't interest me much until I qualify for Medicare"

    Welcome to my world!

  3. Well at least you do have insurance and retirement savings. I can only afford the crap insurance and wouldn't last a year on my savings and retirement balance.

    I'd be looking at bankruptcy if I had to have a procedure like you did.

    I'm only a few years away from 50 and at this point I'm expecting I will need to work till I die. I just hope that if I should become physically unable to work or get old enough that employer's won't hire me (and at my age I'm already starting to see age discrimination) I don't live very long after I can't work.

    There are plenty of people older than you who are far worse off...if that's any consolation!

  4. I am well aware that I am extraordinarily blessed. A chance meeting with some former co-workers on a street in San Francisco put me in touch with people that let me get into one startup, then another. Without those, I would be worse off than I am today.

    One of the reasons that I have long had some sympathy for the "something needs to be about health care" crowd -- even if their solutions are almost always wrong -- is an awareness that a lot of people have lousy health insurance situations -- and those are better off than the ones who don't even have lousy health insurance.
