
Friday, June 28, 2013

Witness Testimony In Zimmerman Trial

This should be the nail in the prosecution's case, because it conforms to Zimmerman's claims about the circumstances under which he shot Trayvon Martin, and Zimmerman's injuries.  From the June 28, 2013 Miami Herald:
State prosecutors Friday resumed their case in the second-degree murder trial of George Zimmerman, calling another key witness: John Good, a Sanford resident who said he saw a “tussle” between Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin outside his home.
Although he testified he was not certain of their positioning, Good described seeing someone in light or red-colored clothing being straddled on the ground by someone in dark clothing. Evidence shows Zimmerman was wearing a red jacket while Trayvon, from Miami Gardens, was in a charcoal-colored hoodie when the shooting occurred on Feb. 26, 2012.
Good also said under direct examination by state prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda that he believed he heard the person on the bottom ask for help as the person on top made downward arm motions. Good said the straddle-punching was similar to mixed-martial arts fights he'd seen on television. Good said he then called police. The 911 recording was played in court Friday. Trayvon's parents remained in the courtroom as the tape was played.

Read more here:
What I don't understand is why the prosecution called John Good as a witness.  Good's testimony doesn't help the prosecution at all.  It helps the defense.

The June 28, 2013 Fox News coverage of Good's testimony is even more destructive to the prosecution's case:
Under questioning by Prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda, Good said one of the combatants was straddling a man lying face up on the pavement, and throwing punches. The testimony appeared to corroborate Zimmerman's claims that he shot the 17-year-old African-American with a legally registered gun in self defense, as he was being pummeled.
"I could tell that the person on the bottom had a lighter skin color," testified Good, who also said the person on the bottom appeared to be wearing "white or red," while the one on top wore dark clothing. Zimmerman identified that day as Hispanic and was wearing a red jacket. That also would corroborate Zimmerman's claims he was on the losing end of a violent confrontation when he fired the fatal shot.
But Good said he did not see the person on top slam the other one's head into the pavement. Zimmerman had wounds to his scalp following the confrontation. 

Read more:
I know that for a lot of people, Zimmerman's following of Martin puts him in the wrong -- but even if Martin was upset about being followed, and things became verbally confrontational -- even physically confrontational -- once you have someone down on the ground and you are punching them -- it is abundantly clear that Zimmerman had no choice but to use deadly force.

ABC News, however, is saying exactly the opposite is what took place.

UPDATE: I guess ABC News is watching some other trial involving a guy named George Zimmerman in Florida.  June 28, 2013 CBS News seems to be watching the same testimony as the Miami Herald and Fox News:
CBS) A former neighbor of George Zimmerman testified he saw two men in a "tussle" outside his home the night of Feb. 26, 2012, and said he now believes the person on top in the altercation - which would moments later turn fatal - was Trayvon Martin.
In key testimony, he also said he believes George Zimmerman was the person yelling for help.


  1. A "tussle." Children "tussle." A "tussle" is a sort of play fight. I doubt Mr. Zimmerman thought it was a mere tussle if he was in fact having "blows rained down on him" which was also in today's testimony.
    I detect the coaching influence of the prosecuting attorney for a benign word for a fight to the death.

  2. They called Good to inoculate the prosecution and prevent O'Mara from calling him as a defense witness.

    Better to get this out of the way during the prosecution's case.
