
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Next: Instructions On What To Do When It Starts Raining

From February 21, 2013 KPIX Channel 5, San Francisco Bay Area:

SAN JOSE (KPIX 5) – Law enforcement agencies have begun adopting a new policy on so-called “active shooters,” encouraging civilians to take safety into their own hands and take down gunmen who threaten them at work or school.
This approach is gaining momentum in the wake of tragic incidents inNewtown, Connecticut and the Oikos University shooting in Oakland.
Which is more tragic?  That the police in liberal California are finally encouraging the idea of self-defense?  Or that there are people who need advice this glaringly obvious?

Of course, this could catch on -- and pretty soon (I mean, before the century ends), decent people in California might start asking, "Why do I need to be politically connected to get a concealed weapon permit here?"

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