
Thursday, February 7, 2013

New Effort For Swiss Gun Control

And some things are the same everywhere.  From the February 7, 2013 Washington Post, an article about how a mass murder leads to new efforts at restrictive gun control in Switzerland:
On Jan. 3, the day Sandy Hook Elementary students returned to school in Newtown, Conn., Florian Berthouzoz leaned out his window and opened fire on this tranquil Swiss village with an old military carbine and a 12-gauge shotgun.

By the time he finished shooting, three women were killed, apparently at random, two men were wounded and Berthouzoz was brought down by a police officer’s bullet in the chest....

Berthouzoz, in fact, did not get to keep his army-issued weapon. After service in which he rose to the rank of captain, he was expelled from the military in 2006 because of psychological problems. His assault rifle was confiscated along with other weapons in his home, according to police accounts....

Since then, the shooter has been transferred to a hospital in Geneva, where a psychological examination has been ordered pending his recovery.
I can't seem to find anything about Swiss mental health policies.


  1. I followed this story at the time. He not only wasn't supposed to have weapons, he was supposed to be under continuous supervision. There was no word in that article about how he got the weapon he used.

  2. But it was easy for him to get them, and the proof of that is that he had them. The Leftists won't say anything about how he actually got them, just that it is "easy" to get them.
