
Saturday, December 1, 2012

Sorry, But Anonymous Users May No Longer Comment

I hate doing this, but the volume of spam since I allowed anonymous users to post comments has been growing at a non-linear rate.  I am having to identify and delete hundreds of spam comments a day.  I do not have time for this.


  1. I feel that this is a fairly reasonable request. It may take a little bit of effort to create an identity for those who are not "computer savvy." However I hope that the reduction in spam will give you more time to write.

  2. Good job, and good example!

    Thank you!

  3. Good job and good example!

    Thank you!


  4. I set up an account with gmail to do some testing and was pleasantly surprised to discover that the account enabled blog comment posting, here and at others that I frequent.

  5. As long as it doesn't require that miserable captcha, I'm okay.

    And OpenID will let people authenticate from a lot of other accounts (Although oddly not twitter or Facebook).
