
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Looking For A Building That Looks Something Like This...

Preferably in the Western U.S.  Objective: video.

The reader who suggested the courtroom used in Assassination: Idaho's Trial of the Century had a very good idea.  It is actually a 1930s courtroom, but by careful shooting, it can look like a mid-century federal courtroom.  I am working on finding out how to rent the space, which is the old Ada County courthouse.


  1. This type is common in California's Gold Rush towns. For example, the Lick Building in downtown Sonora:

    You could also look at Jackson, Angels Camp, Columbia, Placerville, and Auburn, or, if you'd rather avoid California, try Carson City or Virginia City in Nevada.

  2. Excellent! I would rather avoid California. I'll take a look in Nevada, which is of comparable age. Virginia City, now that I think about it, might work.
