
Sunday, October 28, 2012


I looked up Crete on Wikipedia because the daughter of my boss is stationed there in the Navy.  One curious description:
Cretans also have a tradition of keeping firearms at home, a tradition lasting from the era of resistance against the Ottoman Empire. Nearly every rural household on Crete has at least one unregistered gun.[17] Guns are subject to strict regulation from the Greek government, yet the authorities turn a blind eye, accepting gun possession as their tradition.


  1. I attribute this to the long and close history the Greeks share with their Muslim neighbors.

  2. What's curious? In most European countries rural people would have a gun in the house until recent "crackdowns".

  3. Nikos Kazantzakis has a great novel, Freedom or Death, about a Cretan revolt against their Turkish overlords. highly worth reading!

  4. --according to Worldwide Gunowners Guide, Crete is indeed home to many firearms , including much left over WW2 material---

  5. --indeed--according to Worldwide Gunowners Guide, Crete is awash in firearms, including many left over WW2 machine guns---
