
Sunday, October 21, 2012

A Beautiful Fall Day in Idaho

I am just about done with grading of the first set of papers for both classes, and my wife and I went for a walk along the greenbelt in Garden City.  All the trees are turning.

Adorable squirrels, everywhere, acting like they are eating meth, not nuts:

Ducks in vast numbers along the Boise River:

One of my wife's many talents is her ability to parody songs with very little provocation or forethought.  This started out as just me filming the ducks floating down river and demanding food (and were they disappointed):

More squirrel:


  1. Just one of many reasons we love Idaho, also.

    Let's not spread this around.

  2. Re the ducks: is the Calypsonian Carnival still conducted in Port-of-Spain Trinidad? I'm thinking of the extemporanous composition contest immortalized by the Kingston Trio as the "Zombie Jamboree, the Song That Killed Calypso," which is of course, based on a theme by Goethe referencing the dance of the dead.
    I think Trinidad is fairly quiet, as Caribbean vacation islands go. . .
