
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Another Of Those, "What Party Is She?" News Stories

Let me emphasize that I don't think her gambling addiction and misuse of campaign funds problem is specific to her being a Democrat.  But does anyone doubt that this news story would have left you in the dark if she had been a Republican?  From the September 12, 2012 Houston Chronicle:

OMAHA, Neb. (AP) — A Nebraska state senator has agreed to plead guilty to two misdemeanor charges stemming from allegations that she misused campaign cash at casinos and filed false reports concealing that.
Nebraska Attorney General Jon Bruning announced the charges Wednesday against state Sen. Brenda Council. He says Council has agreed to plead guilty.
Bruning says it's clear Council has a problem with gambling. She withdrew $63,000 at casinos over the last several years and deposited $36,000 in cash.
Yet her Wikipedia page describes her political affiliation as "non-partisan."


  1. The last comment here and the one on the nursing professor were from me.

    In past, when I left Javascript off, the Publish/Preview buttons didn't work.

    Now they allow the comment from "Anonymous" even though I selected Google Account.


  2. The New York Times placed the story of the murdered diplomat on page four. Would they have done that if a republican were in office? Or would it be front page news?

  3. Nebraska's legislature is officially non-partisan. However the Wiki page had been fixed late Wednesday.
