
Monday, August 13, 2012

We Can't Deport Criminals If Their Home Country Won't Take Them?

This August 13, 2012 Fox News story makes so little sense that I fear that it is true:
Long after they were ordered out of the country, thousands of criminal aliens from places like China, Cuba, Vietnam and Pakistan remain free in the United States to commit new crimes because their home countries refuse to take them back.  ...
Under a 2001 Supreme Court decision, U.S. immigration officials are only permitted to hold someone for six months after their incarceration. So when a home nation refuses to take back their national, the U.S. is required to release them -- no matter what they've done.
The issue recently came to Poe's attention after three especially heinous crimes were committed by men ordered deported years ago.
In June, a judge sentenced 22-year-old Shafiqul Islam, a Bangladeshi national, for the murder of 73-year-old Lois Decker.

Read more: 
Oh yes, Islam had already been convicted of sexually assaulting a child, and then released, before murdering Decker.  If someone's home country won't take them back, I suppose that we could give them a parachute, and have the U.S. Air Force drop them over their home country.


  1. We should refuse to accept the passports issued by any such country.

  2. We can't afford parachutes.

    But I support the rest of the idea.

  3. Then you need a Devil's Island. Somewhere in the Aleutians, I suggest.

  4. I'm confused. Why are they released and not tried and sentenced?

  5. They are sentenced, serve short sentences for crimes like sexually assaulting children, are released, and commit new crimes.

  6. I agree with the above commenter, parachutes are expensive, just do a touch and go on the runway and toss em out the back of the plane.

  7. Not that it matters, but those countries which won't take their criminals back are violating the Articles 13 and 9 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

  8. If their own countries won't take them then just send them to Somalia. There is no government there to object. The Navy can deposit them on a beach somewhere.
