
Monday, August 27, 2012

Using Big Bertha

Some of the Moon pictures that I have posted previously I took in 2007, and I assumed that I took them with Big Bertha, my 17.5" reflector.  My mistake.  I must have taken them with my 8" reflector, because I can't get all of the Moon in frame with Big Bertha.  The first two pictures were taken at prime focus, ASA 800, 1/2000th of a second.

This picture was taken with an 18mm eyepiece projection arrangement--not quite as sharp, but with enormous magnification.

And then Moon went behind the telescope garage.  The surface that I created is plenty solid for Big Bertha, but I am a bit concerned what happens if I go off that edge onto the chip seal.  Perhaps I need to extend the surface so that Big Bertha can get into a larger clearing.

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