
Monday, August 20, 2012

If Only For The Magic Solution To Chicago Voting

This article reports that Obama is only 12 points up on Romney in Cook County, Illinois (home of Chicago):
President Barack Obama could lose his home state of Illinois in November, a new poll shows.
A poll conducted by Illinois-based pollster and political strategist Michael McKeon found Obama leading Republican Mitt Romney by 49 percent to 37 percent in Cook County, the home of Chicago. That puts him ahead by a far thinner margin than expected in a county he should be winning handsomely.
Read more:
Commenters claim that Obama won Cook County by 53 points in 2008.  Yes, Obama has to worry.  But as one of the commenters over there reminded everyone, Mayor Rahm Emmanuel will reprise the line from Monty Python and the Holy Grail to solve the problem: "Bring out your dead!  Bring out your dead!"

1 comment:

  1. That will be a delicious bonus, I think.
    Not that California shows signs of turning blue anytime soon, except economically from the frigid business situation.
