
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

At $5 A Week, How Long Will That Take To Pay Off?

From the July 23, 2012 Los Angeles Times:

Back in June, two weeks after a nuclear submarine went up in flames at a Maine shipyard and caused $400 million in damage, Navy officials thought the blaze might have been caused by a vacuum cleaner that had sucked up something hot. 
According to charges filed Monday in federal court, the fire was started by a stressed, anxious, depressed, heavily medicated painter who had a panic attack and wanted to get out of work. The May 23 blaze injured seven people who were trying to put it out.
Is there a more expensive example of individual vandalism, anywhere in history?


  1. I suppose that if a system were introduced to try to avoid having a " stressed, anxious, depressed, heavily medicated" worker aboard a nuclear submarine, there would be accusations of prejudice and discrimination.

  2. Is there a more expensive example of individual vandalism, anywhere in history?

    Union Carbide has long claimed that the Bhopal disaster was caused by employee sabotage. Of course they aren't exactly disinterested so who knows.

  3. It will probably get paid off a month before the national debt is retired.
    I'm thinking the twelfth of Never.
