
Friday, June 29, 2012

I'll Blame McDonald's & Supersizing For This

I mean, how else would marmots get so fat?  

These adorable creatures hang out on a big rock next to the old highway, which we usually take when heading into Horseshoe Bend.


  1. We've photographed some pretty fat groundhogs and we blame the 2011 La Niña and its pushing the jet stream above the CONUS, giving us a very mild winter thus not depleting their hibernation fat stores as much as usual.

    Was your winter milder than normal?

  2. When my brother and I used to hike a lot in the Sierras, we always referred to the Marmots as "fat cats". They always seemed fat to me; I never noticed any correlation to Winter severity vis a vis fat stores. Maybe they lived too close to the car campers.
