
Friday, June 29, 2012

Book Sales and Promotion

I wasn't expecting to retire from sales of My Brother Ron (and money was never the goal of this book anyway), but I was expecting a bit more activity--34 sales for the Kindle, and one for the Nook so far.  I have one radio talk show set up in Texas in early July, but I am having no luck at all trying to organize anything else, even with local talk radio hosts.  If you have any radio or television talk show host contacts that can help get some media attention for this, please let me know.

UPDATE: Good news: NRA TV will have me July 5th at 11:40 PM Eastern.

UPDATE 2: Instapundit is waiting until the paperback edition is available--likely to produce more sales that way.  I agree.


  1. Well, it's a profoundly depressing subject; I read a book on the topic in the '80s; my memory says it was titled Wild in the Streets but I'm at minimum confounding it with a book on driving in Boston I also read that decade, when I was living in the metro area ... and observing some of this first hand since I didn't drive during that period.

    Good luck.

  2. I just picked up a copy on kindle, so you have one more sale there.

  3. Get Instapundit to do a shout-out for you.

  4. Instapundit has been very good in the past for this sort of thing--yet either he is overwhelmed and didn't see my email about this, or (I hope) is preparing something quite remarkable about it.

  5. I just finished it, and as you requested earlier will do an Amazon review...but I want to do a decent job and am still digesting it. I will definitely recommend it to my buds on a couple of internet forums I hang out in.

    I really liked it and it was clearly a massive piece of research. Excellent job. Sad tho. How painful for you, your family, and Ron.

    My wife's brother recently died, at approx age 59 or so, and his life, what I know of it, followed a trajectory I see in the book. Very bright young man, drugs and alcohol early on, prison more than once, suspicion by siblings (at least two of which have lesser psychological issues)that he had some mental problems, mellowed somewhat in his 50s, but died way before he should have -- cause unknown as of yet.

    Between that and reading your book, and other life experiences, I am thankful for my family and upbringing. I never realized that my father and mother and their kids were so unusual, in that we did not have some big catastrophe strike us.

    Best wishes.


  6. p.s. I will shoot off an email to the Instaprof...I have actually had him publish a couple of mine, but it has been a few years. Maybe I am about due for another!


  7. Thanks to those who bought a copy. Positive reviews on Amazon really help sales. If you read it and aren't happy, you are getting sleepy....

  8. where are you marketing this, Instapundit can help, but where on the web are people who would willingly read about all the pain?

  9. I've emailed Instapundit. He isn't hostile. Maybe it just got lost.

    Who was willing to make A Million Little Pieces a best-seller?

  10. I grabbed the Kindle copy but haven't managed to read it yet. I work in social services and if the book seems to apply, I may submit it as training hours (we have to have 24 hours of "relevant training") per year and as I work with individuals and community acclimation it should be acceptable. If so, I'll be promoting it to the company and my coworkers. Hope it helps!

  11. If this doesn't qualify, no book does. Make sure that you review it on Amazon. Positive reviews do a lot of good for promoting sales.
