
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

While Celebrating Bin Laden's Death One Year Ago...

Something to remember and think about from The Unknown Soldiers Blog:
Most Americans realize that today marks the one-year anniversary of Osama bin Laden's death at the hands of courageous Navy SEALs. Yet many of the same citizens, conditioned by a national media that pays scant attention to the military's daily sacrifices, probably don't realize that 2012's bloodiest month of fighting in Afghanistan has just concluded.
As this blog and others discussed all month, April was difficult for our troops in Afghanistan and their families at home. According to an unofficial count by, at least 33 U.S. service members were killed in Afghanistan during the month of April. This number doesn't include seriously wounded heroes like Staff Sgt. Travis Mills, who lost his arms and legs in an Apr. 10 terrorist attack. 
During the year Osama bin Laden was killed, the war in Afghanistan made up just two percent of American news media coverage, according to the Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism. If you add in coverage of bin Laden's death in Pakistan, the number is four percent. Based on the media's behavior so far this year, I would not be surprised if the death of Whitney Houston wound up generating just as much news coverage as the Afghanistan conflict in 2012.
I am astonished at the number of young men and women who are prepared to suffer enormous hardships and risk death or dismemberment for a nation that seems, at times, to have forgotten that they are out there.  I'm sure if a Republican were in the White House, the media would be reminding us about them all the time.


  1. On the flip side the OWS children are being made relevant by the media again. Well, except for the violent ones.
    The normalization of thuggery on the left is not a topic for discussion. It never has been.

  2. Great job POTUS---inadequate mental health services and high unemployment among discharged veterans.

    Just heard his campaign speech a few minutes ago from Afghanistan. Clearly timed on the one year to make the case why he is winning the war and should be re-elected---what a crock! Sadly I wonder how many suckers will buy it come November....

  3. What Obama needs to realize, but won't, is that it wasn't a "Gutsy Call" but a "No Brainer."

  4. Wsn't there a sign in Iraq, "The Marines are at war, but America is at the mall"?
    The Marines are at war, but POTUS is on the campaign trail.
