
Friday, May 11, 2012

Horrifying Abuse of Workers For The Benefit of a Multimillionaire Presidential Candidate

No, not the "rich guy" that Obama wants you to envy and hate.  The other multimillionaire.  From the May 10, 2012 The Politicker:
A $95 sweatshirt currently being sold in President Obama’s campaign store is the work of Alexander Wang, a designer who’s facing a class action suit in federal court for allegedly running a sweatshop where garment workers were forced to work 100 hour weeks in a factory with conditions “comparable to those of third world countries” while being subjected to racial discrimination, verbal abuse and threats. C.K. Lee, the lead attorney representating the workers who are suing Mr. Wang told The Politicker he thinks the presence of the sweatshirt is “inappropriate.”
“Hopefully, the campaign would be more educated on the background of Alexander Wang and his sweatshop facilites and the abuse of worker’s rights,” Mr. Lee said. “I wish Obama would be more–or at least his campaign would be more in tune with what’s going on.”

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