
Friday, April 6, 2012

NBC News' Internal Investigation of Their Lies

April 5, 2012 Reuters reports:

(Reuters) - An internal NBC News probe has determined a "seasoned" producer was to blame for a misleading clip of a 911 call that the network broadcast during its coverage of the Trayvon Martin shooting, according to two sources at the network.
NBC News brass interviewed more than half a dozen staffers during its investigation of the misleadingly edited 911 call placed by George Zimmerman just before he shot the unarmed Florida teenager, said the sources, one of whom is an executive at the network.
There was no clear indication on Thursday of what, if any, disciplinary actions would be taken against the producer or other staff involved in the incident.

My guess is that the disciplinary action will be a promotion.  NBC News has been in the dishonesty business for a long time.

UPDATE: It appears that NBC News fired the producer responsible, but:
On April 4, the network news division said in a statement that it deeply regretted the “error made in the production process.”
Yeah, that's it.  An "error."  The New York Times also observed:
Citing an anonymous network executive, Reuters reported that “the ‘Today’ show’s editorial control policies — which include a script editor, senior producer oversight and in most cases legal and standards department reviews of material to be broadcast — missed the selective editing of the call.”
This was not a subtle editing mistake.  If this many people approved this as "an error" then NBC News clearly has few people capable of reading anymore. 

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