
Thursday, April 5, 2012

"My Other Brother Mohammed"

Bob Newhart had a comedy series some years ago set in Vermont.  It wasn't all that good a show, but there was one amusing bit of stereotyping of rural America involving a not very bright family where one of the rednecks has two brothers...both named Darryl.  The phrase "my other brother Darryl" kept appearing.

But here's a news story from the April 4, 2012 Daily Mail that does involve two brothers, both named Mohammed:

Cops swooped on the London home of father-of-three Mohammed Shabir Ali, 24, and his twin brother, Mohammed Shafiq Ali, where they discovered a copy of ‘44 Ways to Support Jihad’ by the radical cleric Anwar al-Awlaki.The pair stand accused of raising cash in the UK to send to their brother Mohammed Shamim who it is believed travelled to Somalia in 2008 to carry out martyrdom atrocities.

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