
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

More Decisions That I Did Not Know Cited My Work

State v. Hawaii, 920 P.2d 357, 360 n.4 (Hawaii 1996)
U.S. v. Yancey, 621 F.3d 681, 685 (7th Cir. 2010)
Pagel v. Francscell, 57 P.3d 1226, 1234 (Wyo. 2002)
Senna v. Florimont, 958 A. 2d 427, 433 (N.J. 2008)
Moody v. ARC of Howard County, Inc., (D.Md. 2011)

That's three more state supreme court cases that I was not aware cited either my books or law review articles.  When it comes time to apply for a full-time teaching job, I hope this helps.


  1. Based on your publications and citations, you should be hired with tenure.

  2. I often get the highest student evaluations in the department. But full-time teaching positions are like leprechauns. I refuse to deny their possibility, but until I see them, I'm skeptical!

  3. So, do you think that your political position plays any role in that? That is to say---is it discrimination?

  4. No, very likely not. The harsh reality is that there are few full-time teaching positions relative to the supply of MAs and PhDs in history, and the positions pay so badly that you would have to be a fool to relocate to take one, even if offered.

  5. Czech this out.

  6. Oh, and ask Sanford Levinson for a referral. I believe he has used your work in his articles and he works there, in the law skool.

  7. Clayton - obviously, you don't want to chase every single job which states requirements you can't meet, but if someone like Sanford Levinson contacts you about an opening like that, you probably should follow up. For the right person, certain requirements can be waived. If your work has been that influential, a dean might be willing to say that it's "equivalent" to a PhD, and push you through the hiring committee.

  8. I wouldn't bother. They likely won't touch you. The noses are so far up in the air that they can't see you at all. It's all about ego, not what you are capable of. This is a game of influence and if you out influence the upward noses they will not forgive that. Your best hope lies in business which is motivated by profit and not ego. Good luck.
