
Friday, April 13, 2012

“Moderate Caucus” chair urges Cheney’s execution

This has to be the best headline of the month, and it is accurate:
Rep. Chuck Kruger (D-Thomaston), the Democrat chair of the Maine legislature’s Moderate Caucus, used his Twitter account to express his view that former Vice President Dick Cheney should be executed. This comment has led some to question the validity of Kruger’s moderate credentials.
So, what do radical Democrats in the Maine legislature support?

UPDATE: I am always tempted to remind everyone that the first four letters of Twitter are "twit," and these are the times that it seems to fit so well.  I confess to being skeptical of a means of communication limited to 140 characters.  This makes it only slightly better than bumper stickers for conveying deep, subtle, and thoughtful ideas.  The deepest thought that I have ever seen on a bumper sticker was "ESCHEW OBFUSCATION."

1 comment:

  1. Cheney should be grateful this guy is a "moderate," since presumably the execution would be relatively fast and painless, like hanging or firing squad. a hard-line Dem would pick impalement or eaten by leeches.
