
Thursday, April 19, 2012

"The European Civil War"

I've previously read that the Eurocrats are busily trying to create a sense of European common culture and sense of national identity, to the point that their textbooks are increasingly emphasizing how well all the European countries have gotten along for the last thousand years or so.  (Yeah, right.)  But this article from the April 18, 2012 Daily Mail definitely takes the cake:

Today we learn that the European Union (our real ruler) is opening a £44m museum that will be a House of European History. This vanity project in and of itself is an offensive waste of money as governments and peoples tighten belts across Europe. 

But what I found most offensive of all is that World War II is to be described as "the European Civil War". 
That's right: a European Civil War that saws millions fight and die in theatres around the world in places as diverse as Tobruk, Pearl Harbour and the Burma Railway. 
What greater calculated insult can there be to those from India, Australia, New Zealand, the United States and across the world who fought and died to defend freedom from Nazi and Japanese tyranny?

Read more:


  1. Imagine the insults to certain countries that were attacked by the Soviets (or by an insurgency back by the Soviets). From The History Place's WWII Timeline:

    September 17, 1939 - Soviets invade Poland.

    November 30, 1939 - Soviets attack Finland.

    July 23, 1940 - Soviets take Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

    December 4, 1944 - Civil War in Greece [which the Allied liberated from the Axis powers 6 weeks earlier]

  2. "He who controls the present, controls the past...."
    "We have always had a European civil war..."
