
Friday, March 9, 2012

What's With The Puppets?

A while back, one of the Occupy Wall Street crowd was whining about having gone back to school to get a master's in puppetry, and now he was having trouble finding a job.  Last night, I bought and read Bias Incident: The World's Most Politically Incorrect Novel, and the bad gals running the Guy Bash event are using giant puppets.  Today, while getting the rear tires on the Corvette replaced, I walked around downtown Boise, and there was a flyer pasted on a utility pole announcing an anti-nuclear rally scheduled for April that would include...giant puppets.

What is with the left's obsession with puppets?  Is it how they see the rest of us?  Or is that too many of them went to school for degrees in puppetry, which makes a degree in history or psychology look downright sensible for finding jobs?


  1. I seem to recall that the anti-missile protests in Europe in the 80s lacked the puppets, and they started in the anti-free trade/anti-G8 meetings. One would have to speculate on the penchant for big puppets, perhaps the leftie loons see the little people as puppets of the evil Jewish bankers, or perhaps, it is the closest that any of these scum get to working with their hands.

  2. The communist Chinese used puppets in their mandatory indoctrination sessions.

    Is it surprising that American leftists have copied this odious regime?
