
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Remember The Leftist Screeching About Bush's Contempt for the Constitution?

This March 5, 2012 Washington Post article reads like something that might have come out of the Bush Administration--but it would have generated a firestorm of upset from the left.  Today?  Dead silence, showing that they were not honest about their upset back then--it was just partisan politics:
The U.S. government has the right to order the killing of American citizens overseas if they are senior al-Qaeda leaders who pose an imminent terrorist threat and cannot reasonably be captured, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. said Monday.
“Any decision to use lethal force against a United States citizen — even one intent on murdering Americans and who has become an operational leader of al-Qaeda in a foreign land — is among the gravest that government leaders can face,” Holder said in a speech at Northwestern University’s law school in Chicago. “The American people can be — and deserve to be — assured that actions taken in their defense are consistent with their values and their laws.”
I actually cringe a little at this, only because it does seem to be an unlimited authority type of statement.  I recognize that, like the Bush Administration, Obama's actions are justified by the severity of the threat, but the potential for abuse is enormous, and I would prefer some Congressional or judicial oversight on this.

What angers me is that it was exactly this sort of thing that the left claimed to hate about Bush--and now Obama does not even have a Democratic challenger, showing that the left did not believe their own high-minded rhetoric about Bush.

1 comment:

  1. Can't Rumsfeld or somebody write a letter to the Washington Post thanking them for the ratification? Such hypocrisy absolutely must be called out for what it is.
