
Monday, March 26, 2012

More Reasons To Never Do Business With Network Solutions

I mentioned a few days ago my frustration with Network Solutions, and why I am moving my domain registration to my web hosting service.  Now my new domain registrar reports that Network Solutions claims that my domain is still locked (even though Network Solutions gave me the unlock codes, which I provided my new registrar).  So I am going through the process again, and hoping that this is just incompetence by Network Solutions, and not an intentional effort to force me to stay with them.  Realistically: if someone like Network Solutions simply can't ever quite get around to allowing the registration to move, what can you do?


  1. I believe (with some experience) that it is a deliberate attempt to be as annoying as possible about the process. When I was doing domain management as part of my job (200-2005) I would always have trouble moving domains away from NS (and they were not the only ones who made it difficult, but they were the worst).

    The problem arises because they used to have a monopoly, and now they have competition. They can't compete with the competition on price, but they have a large base of existing users paying their absurdly high prices. They will work to keep that customer base at inflated prices until the last one escapes.

    When I was doing it, the only way to be sure was to get a three-wall call going. Get a tech support guy from your domain registrar (not the web host, unless you are SURE they are the same; many web hosts use domain resellers) and a tech support guy from NS on the same call with you.

    That way your new registrar can tell them what to do, you can verify that that is what you want, and NS can do it right there on the call with you, no excuses. The automated systems NS had in place during that period were either broken, or VERY picky about exactly how their hoops must be jumped through. IIRC, the NS email verification loop was so broken I demanded (and got) a paper verification form to fax in.

    The best advice I can give you in general is that your new registrar is your friend. They have to do this regularly. They know the hoops, let them help you jump through them if they are willing.

  2. I went through this a couple months ago. I had bought a domain name through yahoo. I got an introductory 5 year registration for about $3/year. After five years I had forgotten that I had a renewal coming up. I got no warnings from Yahoo that it was expiring until after it expired, when Yahoo transferred control of that domain to their registrar (in Australia) and sent me a notice that my domain had expired and my account locked. But that I could renew my registration for $55 a year. I wanted to transfer the registration to my hosting company who only charges $10 a year.

    Long story short I played e-mail tag with the registrar's automated system for several days - getting nowhere. It was looking like the only way I was going to get that account "unlocked" was to renew it for a year at the inflated rate then transfer it.

    Finally I created a trouble ticket for help with my hosting service. After a couple automated messages I got an e-mail from a tech who collected some information from me. Next I got an e-mail from a tech at the old registrar. I answered his questions and the next day I got a notification that my domain had been transferred.

    So I agree - get your new registrar involved.

  3. The ICAAN site has info on everything domain names.

    There are some helpful people here too:

  4. Hi Clayton,

    I work for Network Solutions and would like to help . Can you email me please - smedia at networksolutions dot com. Sorry this took so long



  5. Seem to unraveled the situation. Thanks anyway.
