
Monday, February 6, 2012

What Religious Fanaticism Gets You

Watts Up With That? links to this amusing example of where the Green religion takes you.  A school in Florida decided to save $100 a year in water costs by installing waterless urinals in the boys restrooms.  From the January 30, 2012 Daily Mail:
Students at a high school in Boca Raton, Florida, must step over rivers of urine and endure the stench of rancid waste after a plan to bring 'green' waterless urinals into bathrooms backfired. 
School officials at Spanish River High School thought they had found an environmentally-friendly, cost-saving solution for their bathrooms when they installed Falcon Waterfree urinals in their boys bathrooms. 
But with no water moving through the school's copper pipes to flush the urine into the sewer system, the waste produced noxious gases that ate through the metal, leaving leaky pipes that allowed urine to drip into walls and flow onto floors.

Read more:
It is apparently going to cost about $500,000 to repair this.  The capital costs were doubtless far more than the $100 in water savings, but worse:
Instead of water, the company's urinals use disposables cartridges that trap urine odors. 
What do you want to guess that the "disposables" were costing more than $100 a year (what they saved in water costs)?

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