
Friday, February 17, 2012

There's a Song in This Somewhere

I mentioned yesterday the embarrassing details of how David Brock of Media Matters for America was promoting very restrictive gun control...while having one of his aides carry a Glock in Washington, D.C. to protect him.  Let's see, Glock, Brock, and crock all rhyme.  Can't someone put together a song mocking Brock's hypocrisy?  Let me try for a few lines, perhaps set to the The Ballad of Gilligan's Island music:

There once was a journalist/media hack, a Democrat through and through,
who led what started as a tax-exempt,
and ended up in the poop.

David Brock was his name; Media Matters was his crew.
Faux journalists spread their word, no matter whether it was true, 
no matter whether it was true.

The paranoia started getting rough,
his security team afraid; 
if not for the Glock his bodyguard had, 
Brock might have been lost, Brock might have been lost.

Obviously, I am not a songwriter.  But I am sure my readers can figure out how to improve this, and work in the hypocrisy of Brock's support of restrictive gun control while having his people carry illegally in D.C.

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