
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

More Signs of Global Warming

Parts of Britain are colder than the South Pole.  From the February 1, 2012 Daily Mail:

Forecasters warned today that extreme cold will grip the country over the next few day with the possiblity of snow even in London and the south.
The Met Office has upgraded its cold weather alert to level three, which means 'severe' conditions. 
Some areas are expected to experience temperatures of minus -11C, colder than the South Pole, and the Army has been put on standby should conditions get even worse.

Read more:

Great pictures of the snowdrifts across central England.  There was a time, just a few years ago, when the "warmists" were saying that British children would only know about snow from pictures in books. 


  1. Well, given that it's summer at the South Pole, and winter in Britain, that shouldn't be surprising.

  2. Considering that the South Pole is in the middle of a continental land mass at 90 degrees latitude, and no part of Britain is more than 90 miles from the ocean, and is far from the pole, it is still pretty amazing.

  3. Yeah, the warmists just forgot to mention that the "books" would be people's own photo albums.

    From last winter.

  4. I'm a healthy skeptic when it comes to global climate change, but here I think you are wrong. There is an ice wall that protects Britain from the extremes of cold weather blowing from the north. The fear is that global warming will melt this wall, allow cold air to enter Britain, and then drop the temperature. So yes, Global warming may lower temperatures in Britain.

    As far as "children will only know of snow from pictures" ... well, it's stuff like that that makes me a skeptic.
