
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Free Markets & Health Insurance

Well, at least freer markets.  The February 23, 2012 Idaho Statesman reports:

Out-of-state companies would have an easier time selling health insurance in Idaho if a Boise lawmaker has her way.
The House State Affairs committee agreed Thursday to hear the legislation, which removes the requirement that licensed health-insurers have physical locations in the state to sell policies to residents.
Bill sponsor Rep. Julie Ellsworth says out-of-state companies would have to comply with Idaho's mandatory minimum benefit requirement.
And there are a number of definitely non-free market requirements that out-of-state health insurers would have to meet, but anything to improve competition.  Back when I blogged about health insurance costs last year, one of my readers ran some comparisons, and noticed that there were far more health insurances offering services in Washington State than in Idaho--and that, unsurprisingly, health insurance was cheaper in Washington State than in Idaho.  I suppose Idahoans should get on the email or phone to their state legislators and let them know that we would like more competition in health insurance.

Read more here:

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