
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Former DEA Official Blows Whistle on Fast & Furious

February 10, 2012 Fox News is reporting that other law enforcement agencies knew about Fast & Furious, and agents tried to stop it--but were overruled:

While criticism surrounding Operation Fast and Furious has so far focused on the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, three other federal agencies knew about the operation and some of their agents tried to stop it, according to the former chief of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration in Tucson.

Tony Coulson, the DEA’s agent in charge of Southern Arizona during Fast and Furious, says many federal field agents knew the ATF was walking guns to Mexico, but supervisors told them to back off when they objected.
This scandal is getting bigger and uglier.  I will be curious to see if the Republican Party decides to make an issue of corruption, criminal behavior, and perjury.  I think even many Democrats, if they bother to read newspapers, will be angered by what the Obama Administration was prepared to do to justify more gun control laws.

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