
Monday, February 13, 2012

The Case For Machete Control

Justice Breyer worked very hard to justify restrictive gun control laws in D.C. v. Heller (2008).  Perhaps he should be concerned about other weapons.  From the February 11, 2012 St. Kitts Nevis Observer:
Feb. 11 -- An agent with U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is presently in Nevis in relation to the armed robbery of a Judge of the United States highest court.
Police confirmed that on Thursday (Feb. 9) night sometime after 10, a masked intruder wielding a machete robbed a sitting U.S. Supreme Court Justice at his Golden Rock vacation home.
According to information reaching this media house, the robber stole a total of about US$1200 and fled the scene without further confrontation.
This is one of those West Indies countries that I rather suspect has a very strict gun control law.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Judge! When seconds count the police are only minutes away!

    Put that in your judicial activism pipe and smoke it!
