
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Buying Elections

I get upset about rich people buying elections, because it is part of why the tax laws are written in a way that benefits...guess who?  But I confess that I admire Sheldon Adelson's openness.  From February 21, 2012 Forbes.  After explaining why he has given tens of millions to the Gingrich campaign, and why he will probably do even more for whoever the Republican nominee will be:
Adelson, the 78-year-old CEO of casino giant Las Vegas Sands, certainly can afford to: With a net worth of roughly $25 billion, that $11 million, which jolted Gingrich’s flatlining presidential bid back to life, equates to 0.044% of his fortune. For someone with a $1 million net worth, the equivalent would be $440, or a two-night stay at Adelson’s Venetian casino. Adelson could personally fund an entire presidential campaign—say, $1 billion or so—and not even notice.

Is that fair? “I’m against very wealthy ­people attempting to or influencing elections,” he shrugs. “But as long as it’s doable I’m going to do it. Because I know that guys like Soros have been doing it for years, if not decades. And they stay below the radar by creating a network of corporations to funnel their money. I have my own philosophy and I’m not ashamed of it. I gave the money because there is no other legal way to do it. I don’t want to go through ten different corporations to hide my name. I’m proud of what I do and I’m not looking to escape recognition.”
Interesting quotes from Adelson.  He seems to be something that I did not believe really could even exist: a billionaire conservative.

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