
Friday, January 13, 2012

Nevada Bar Association Opens Inquiry Into Conduct of Righthaven Lawyers

The pigs are flying!  Steve Green at Vegas Inc. reports that the Nevada Bar Association, responding to complaints from victims of early Righthaven suits, and apparently to the NBA's own concerns, is requesting information from three of the attorneys involved in the early suits:
The State Bar, which regulates attorneys, has since as early as the Fall of 2010 received complaints from unidentified parties about Righthaven and has been watching Righthaven’s litigation campaign work its way through the courts.
The Bar this week opened grievance files concerning Gibson, an attorney, and former Righthaven attorneys Jodi Donetta Lowry and J. Charles Coons. The attorneys have been asked to respond to the grievance issues by Jan. 31.
I never bothered to file a complaint with the NBA because I understood that they were primarily in the business of protecting crooked lawyers, but perhaps it is worth filing a complaint.

1 comment:

  1. Righthaven was so egregious that I think they eventually passed the threshold of "being bad for the business" (that of course being normal crooked lawyering :-). In part they failed in the victim selection process, getting both the country's left and right very angry with them.

    So we might actually see some action from the Nevada Bar Association; what's the quote from that (in)famous diplomat, "... and worse, an embarrassment"?
