
Thursday, January 26, 2012

I Do Not Trust Newt

Now he is admitting that his claim that "his team offered several witnesses to ABC News to refute statements made by Gingrich's second wife in a controversial interview aired last week" was false.  Is ABC News scum?  Sure enough.  But Gingrich seems to have not only consistency problems, but serious accuracy problems as well.  R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr., founder and editor of the American Spectator, knows Gingrich well, and indicates that he has as many skeletons in his closet as Clinton.

There are a lot of serious, movement conservatives out there who have very, very serious concerns about Gingrich's morals--and those concerns are very pragmatic.  Obama's campaign is going to smear whoever the Republican nominee is.   It will not help if there is a lot of genuine smear material available.

I wish we had a serious conservative candidate who could win the election and had as much zipper control as Romney seems to have.  Is it is really this difficult?

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