
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Ah, Marin County, Liberal Haven

PJ Tatler links to a Marin Independent-Journal article about how Marin County government is planning to ban smoking in apartments in the unincorporated parts of the county--but they specifically exempted marijuana smoking from the ban:

Marin's war on smoking was blunted Tuesday as a measure cracking down on tobacco and other "weed" was sent back for revision to make clear the crackdown does not include marijuana.
Although supervisors were in agreement with the policy when county staff last month asserted an ordinance outlawing smoking in unincorporated-area apartments included marijuana and other herbs as well as tobacco, the county board Tuesday abruptly called for revisions making clear tobacco was the only weed at issue.
The excuses for why tobacco is okay to ban but marijuana is not are, to be blunt, indicative that someone has been smoking too much, and it isn't tobacco.

UPDATE: A reader points me to a similar Sebastopol, California ordinance described in the November 2, 2011 Santa Rosa Press-Democrat:

Users of medical marijuana have been exempted from a smoking ban that Sebastopol has imposed on apartment dwellers.
The City Council on Tuesday unanimously approved an amendment to its July anti-smoking ordinance that removes medical marijuana from the definition of smoking.
The anti-smoking ordinance, aimed at second-hand smoke, requires apartment owners to write no-smoking restrictions into all new leases and imposes a smoking ban on other renters within 14 months.
 Marijuana won.


  1. Sebastopol too! unbelievable...

  2. "to be blunt"

    Made me giggle.

    And NOT because I'm high.
