
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Religious Fanaticism & Environmentalism

I ran into an interesting email in the most recent release of emails involving the global warming "scientists."  Before you read it, ask yourself: If someone on the skeptic side claimed that their religious beliefs drove or even influenced their climate skepticism, would that be something that the media would make a big deal about?  Would it be a sign of "religious fanaticism"?  

date: Mon May 20 09:45:55 2002from: Mike Hulme <REDACTED>subject: Re: SONGS OF PRAISEto: Joanna Malton <REDACTED>
Joanna,I am happy to talk, although I am not really sure what you are after. My work is asDirector of the national centre for climate change research, a job which requires me totranslate my Christian belief about stewardship of God's planet into research and action.My office number at the University of East Anglia isREDACTED2 and my home number isREDACTED312.Mike

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