
Friday, October 28, 2011

Weird Tragedy Involving Kinky Sex

But if you came looking for some titillation, you are going to be very disappointed.  From the October 27, 2011 Idaho Statesman comes a news account of a man who was sentenced to life in prison for a bizarre set of crimes that involved kidnapping and raping his wife, tying her up with chains and duct tape in the trunk of his car, then stabbed his mother to death--22 times.  Why did he do it?

Lee’s attorney, public defender Tony Geddes, told the judge that Lee snapped on Jan. 4 because his life was spiraling out of control. Lee had been fired from two jobs, couldn’t find work, had a new baby to care for and was having marital troubles. Geddes said Lee had been nursing anger against his mother for 15 years, claiming that another woman who lived with the family when Lee was 9 had sexually molested him over about a year.

Geddes said Lee’s childhood troubles began when Lynn Blake got involved with Internet chat groups in the mid ’90s, started attending Wiccan meetings and divorced her husband. Geddes said Lee walked in on his mother having sex with another woman at a Wiccan meeting and was ordered not to tell his father.

The prosecutor was skeptical of Geddes' story, because he had never told anyone about it until after the murder, and does not have a particularly impressive history of personal integrity (even before rape, kidnapping, and murder).  But child molestation victims seldom tell of what happened to them for many years.  There's even a powerful book by that title: I Never Told Anyone:

This is one of those books that you read a few pages, put it down and sob, and read a bit more. I have known a lot of women who were seriously damaged by sexual abuse--but men especially have a hard time confronting it and opening up about it.

Now, if you live in the Bay Area, what Geddes is describing is not even particularly unusual--but here in Idaho, it is still rather shocking. 


  1. My guess is that the HTML that put up the book cover and link to was filtered out by your browser. I have added the book title: I Never Told Anyone.
