
Saturday, October 15, 2011


My Congresscritter has introduced a bill to help solve the critical shortage of skilled technical workers.  From his press release:
This week Idaho Congressman Raúl R. Labrador introduced the American Innovation and Education Act, designed to allow foreign students with advanced degrees in fields such as high-tech, engineering and medical technology to be immediately eligible for permanent residency if they are offered a job from a U.S. employer in their chosen field of study and to encourage and incentivize more American students to enter into science and engineering programs. 

I guess it's time to email him and suggest that as long as Americans with experience and education in those fields can't get jobs, the last thing we need is to open the doors.

Reading a little more:
“At the present time, many of Idaho’s top innovating companies in high tech, biomedicine and other science fields are unable to fill all of their employment needs with American students. American student interest in the Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) fields is decreasing; leaving American companies without American workers at the very time that job creation depends more than ever on a vibrant STEM economy.
 Could American student interest in these fields be declining because there are so few jobs available, and wages are falling?  Why work hard on a computer science degree if job availability and wages are about the same as an easy degree?

UPDATE: If you are in Labrador's district, go here to email him.

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