
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Sounds Like the Perfect Candidate

The major of Sunland Park, New Mexico, admits in a deposition that he was drunk when he signed a contract that has led to a million dollar lawsuit:
The Albuquerque Journal reports Thursday ( that Resendiz acknowledged during a deposition that he had been drinking for several hours with executives of the architectural design firm Synthesis and didn't know what he was signing.
Read more:
Even better:
He has been the border town's mayor since March 2008 and has said he plans to seek the Democratic nomination to challenge Republican Congressman Steve Pearce.
Read more: 
With this sort of professional and thoughtful history behind him, I'm sure that Resendiz has the Democratic nomination sewed up.  I just hope that Rep. Pearce is capable of defeating someone whose wisdom, intelligence, and probity are so firmly established.

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